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Messages - Vectrex32

General Discussion / Re: Delay command
September 02, 2019, 09:43:28 AM
Take a look at the code for MBOV.bas (MissileBreak-OutVaders). The opening sequence (lines 211 through 260) draws text with a vector font and moves the text frame-to-frame, so that shows you how to animate things. Finally, it uses a clipping rectangle that changes over time to reveal text.

- Bob
General Discussion / Re: Delay command
September 02, 2019, 08:43:22 AM
Are you thinking that you want to draw the A using the font the Vectrex usually uses, so that the top row is drawn, then 1/2 sec. later the top two rows are drawn, then after another 1/2 second the top three rows are drawn? If that's what you want, it will be really hard because those fonts are built-in to the Vectrex and are drawn with unusual techniques that you'd have to re-create.

Or are you thinking that you want a vector font where the left leg is drawn, then the right leg, then the center bar? If that's what you want, it might not give the effect you're looking for, because wouldn't you want each line to be drawn gradually, like a pen moving?

Would you be happy with the A gradually appearing, like left to right? The lines wouldn't be drawn individually, but there'd be an effect like a "linear wipe", as movie makers would call it. That could be accomplished fairly easily with a vector font and a clipping rectangle.

- Bob
General Discussion / Re: Delay command
September 02, 2019, 08:18:54 AM
The V32 uses the Vectrex BIOS' line drawing command, so there's no way to introduce a delay there.

How much of a delay do you want? The screen refreshes 30 or so times a second, so I don't think the user would notice any delay in a single frame. What you'd have to do is draw some lines in one frame, then more lines in the next frame. That means changing the sprite from frame to frame.

- Bob
Hi Retro,

I could understand wanting to write in C or C++. I'm not sure why you'd want to write in MIPS assembler.

To program the PIC32 directly, you'd need Microchip's MPLAB X, their hardware for programming, and a special third-party connector that I use (it's not expensive). I'd be happy to provide technical info on how to talk to the 6809.

But please consider trying BASIC first. Yeah, I know, BASIC is anathema to serious programmers. But I've packed a whole lot power into this implementation: live debugging, live screen updates during debugging, 2D sprites with scaling, rotation, and clipping, and a pretty nifty 3D graphics library (if I do say so myself :-) ). When you use those features, you're using my compiled C++ code and you're not paying any penalty for interpreting the BASIC code.

As for your large amount of read-only data: you can put it in a file and read it from BASIC code.

Even if you wanted your final version in C++, it might be worth prototyping it in BASIC.

Would you be willing to give some details on your project? We could do this over e-mail if you want to keep it quiet.

- Bob
General Discussion / Re: Mame on Vectrex32
June 13, 2019, 12:00:39 PM
First, I'm not convinced it can be solved. Secondly, I'm not convinced the effort in solving it would be worthwhile. There are other approaches, like adding X-Y inputs to the Vectrex, buying a vector arcade display (which is bigger than the Vectrex display) or just using MAME on a PC (where screen resolutions are now so high that the technical advantage vector displays had over raster is moot; granted, vector displays still have a charm that raster lacks).

From what I've read about the VecFever creator's approach to MAME, what he's doing is very labor-intensive and the effort needs to be repeated for each game. He hasn't found a general purpose solution, so there's no existence proof that one exists.

- Bob
News and Updates / Vectrex32s back in stock
May 27, 2019, 01:57:11 PM
As of May 27, 2019, Vectrex32s are back in stock. You can buy one here.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
May 17, 2019, 10:15:56 PM
Welcome, Rich.

I ordered more Vectrex32s to be built a few weeks ago. I expect they'll be ready in a couple more weeks. (The one annoying thing about the company I use to make them is that they don't give me periodic status reports. I hear nothing from them for weeks and then suddenly I get a message with "we've shipped it; here's the tracking number!")

When I get them, I'll post an announcement in the News and Updates forum.

The V32 and the Sean Kelly Multicart are very different things. The V32 still doesn't have many games for it. Its main appeal (IMO) is that it makes programming vastly easier. So it's a product for people who want to do programming, without dealing with the complexities of assembly language. The multicart is for people who want to play the games.

- Bob
General Discussion / Re: Mame on Vectrex32
May 17, 2019, 09:53:33 PM
BASIC has the ability to read data from the USB serial port, and of course it has the ability to draw vectors on the screen. Someone would have to get a hold of the modified MAME and do some experiments.

If it turns out the BASIC interpreter isn't fast enough, I'd be open to the possibility of updating or replacing the firmware on the V32.

- Bob

General Discussion / Re: Stuck on "Waiting"?
April 17, 2019, 08:01:03 PM
That's not supposed to happen. Make sure the V32 is securely seated in the cartridge connector. When you get "WAITING", try pressing the Vectrex's reset button. Another thing to try is to connect the V32 to a PC via USB, bring up a terminal window, and see if you can get anything (hit Ctrl+C and see if some text appears).

If nothing works, you'll have to return it to me. I'll refund you for return shipping (up to $7) and either fix it or replace it.

I'm sorry for the trouble.

- Bob

News and Updates / Firmware upgrade: version 1.18
March 30, 2019, 10:51:39 AM
There's a new version of the Vectrex32 firmware available: version 1.18. This is mostly bug fixes and optimizations (including one important optimization that  greatly reduces flicker). If you already own Vectrex 1.10 or newer, you can download the firmware here. If you still have version 1.00, please read this.
Lot of good stuff here.

First, you mention 16 bit note constants. Registers R0, R2, and R4 on the AY-3 only use the low 4 bits. Combined with registers R1, R3, and R5, that means each voice takes a 12 bit note. Unless you're referring to something else.

It sounds like everything you want to do could, in theory, be done with the Sound() function. You're just looking for a "higher level language". Which is fine.

The way the Play() function works is to copy your music to DPRAM and then use the Vectrex BIOS function to play the music. I've never been happy with that because it potentially takes up a lot of DPRAM space. Sound() doesn't take up any extra DPRAM space, but the price you pay is that your program has to set up the sound every frame. Perhaps what we need is a BASIC function that does the work of the Vectrex BIOS music function, but with enhancements.

Are you familiar with the Music Macro Language? Maybe we need something like that. I think there are other music languages too.

BTW, looking at the Yankee program, I see that all the notes are either 12 frames or 6 frames long. Should an envelope stretch across the whole 12 frames, or does the envelope have to shape the amplitude of each individual note? If the latter, doing a software envelope would be tough.
Thank you. That was helpful.

How fast do we have to change the amplitude in order to do software envelopes? The PIC32 communicates with the 6809 only once per frame. So is modulating the amplitude ~30 times per second fast enough?

As for setting the voice registers with a single 16 bit value: you mean set R0/R1 as one 16 bit value, R2/R3 and another, and R4/R5 as a third? I can see how that would be more convenient, but does it actually add functionality (You wrote "That way the note constants can have +/-1 added to them and it allows for fine pitch control instead of chromatic pitch control". Can't you use 16 bit values in your program, but break them into low and high values for the Sound() function?)

I think I grasp the concepts better now that I've read your post. But I'm still not sure what the best way to improve the V32's sound support is. As a musician, what sort of BASIC function(s) would you like to see to make it easy for you to write good music (within the limits of what the AY-3 can do)? Forget about tweaking what already exists in the V32; tell me what you'd want if we were designing it from scratch.
Astro, your understanding of sound far exceeds mine. Honestly, I don't understand a lot of what you wrote.

I would be happy to implement changes to improve V32's sound capabilities, but you would really have to hold my hand through it, telling me what BASIC functions you want to see and what they do to the AY-3.

- Bob
News and Updates / Vectrex32 discounted
November 16, 2018, 04:33:03 PM
From now through Cyber Monday (Nov. 26th, 2018) the Vectrex32 is $25 off! Buy it at

- Bob
News and Updates / MissileBreak OutVaders bug fix
October 17, 2018, 02:35:45 PM
User "Iwantgames:)" found a bug in MissileBreak OutVaders (MBOV). I've posted a fix over in the Game Swap forum.

- Bob